Red Deer Zone is looking for new recruits for the 2025-2026 season.

If you are interested in joining our volunteer group or know anyone who wants to join, send an email to to find out more about opportunities for this season.

Candidates must be 18 years old and be an experienced skier or snowboarder.

Interested candidates MUST attend one information session.

A Vulnerable Sector background check must be completed prior to any training.

We will offer “Ski With A Patroller” sessions in January and/or February 2025 to find out if patrolling is for you.


Training for the 2025-26 season begins with ON SNOW training in mid March.

Register before March to ensure acceptance.

Advanced First Aid (AFA) training follows in October and November. 

AFA classes are projected to start early October, every Sunday from 9:00 t0 17:00, and include a field day until evaluations in early December. On Snow can be completed after the AFA training but prior is recommended.

There’s really no such thing as a typical ski patroller. Nevertheless, when you hear the words “ski patroller” you probably think of someone performing a slope side rescue of an injured person. The truth is it takes all kinds of people from varied backgrounds to make a successful patrol. If you’re interested, let us know. We will be happy to send you the information you need in order to join a fabulous and dedicated group of people who love to ride on the snow and help others.

Benefits of Joining the Ski Patrol

The benefits of joining the Canadian Ski Patrol;

  • Membership in the CSP; a national organization of over 5500 persons
  • Advanced First Aid and CPR training
  • A chance to meet new like minded individuals who enjoy outdoor activities
  • The opportunity to learn to ski or ride better
  • Stylish uniform ski jacket
  • Pro-Deals on selected gear from national sponsors
  • The chance to visit other patrols
  • The great feeling you get from helping someone in need.

The Red Deer Zone events are numerous and extend past traditional patrol duties and the regular ski season. We offer social functions and many long time friendships began shortly after registration.

Membership Criteria

Anyone who is at least 18 years old and is a competent alpine skier or boarder is eligible to join the Canadian Ski Patrol. You should be able to handle all of the runs, types of terrain and snow conditions at the resort where you patrol. In general, you should be able to ski or ride as well or better than the average person at our resort.


The Ski Patrol is made up of volunteers who commit their time on weekends and/or evenings to ensure that there is proper coverage during operating hours at the areas where they patrol. Your commitment would be approximately four to five shifts per month providing coverage at your area. In addition, expect to do about four events per year helping to raise funds, support and promote the patrol. 

How is the CSP funded?

As a non-profit organization, the Canadian Ski Patrol relies heavily on the dues collected from patrollers, donations of the general public and fundraising by members.; to purchase the first aid supplies, equipment, and miscellaneous items required by a large volunteer organization.

First Year Patrollers

Patrollers in their first year are required to pay a registration fee which includes their first aid manual and more.

Since the Canadian Ski Patrol does not supply skiing equipment, each patroller is responsible for providing the basic helmet, skis, boots, poles and miscellaneous equipment necessary to partake of the sport. A limited number of discounts are available for patrollers, generally through the ski equipment manufacturers, as well as ski swaps.

Membership fees:

For first year patrollers, the current course and registration fees are $300.00 (all inclusive):

Once you pass and become a patroller, there is a $50 deposit for your jacket.

Membership fees; (national, division and zone);

Be prepared to pay for the above fees at the registration.

People wanting to take the Advanced First Aid training and not Patrol will be charged $500.00 (this will not include on snow training).