Canadian Ski Patrol System
Order your CSPS ID Cards using the NDS

When you are ready to order you CSPS ID Cards from National Office, you can use the National Database System to place your order.

This step is quite easy and you have only one step to complete prior to clicking on the link "DO IT":

You have to verify that all your members are listed in your "Registered Patroller list"

  • 1) From the main menu,

  • 2) Click on the link "Manage Zone Patrollers":

  • 3) Verify that all your members who will receive an ID Card are listed in this list. The number of ID cards to be printed by National Office will be the number of patrollers from this list. If everything is OK, go to step (12). If a member is listed here but shouldn't receive an ID Card, click on the link "View/Edit" next to his/her name:

  • 4) Change the status of the member to "INACTIVE MEMBER" and click the button "UPDATE & QUIT".
  • 5) If a member is NOT on the list, then please add as a new recruit with either of the two links at the top of the page "+ADD A NEW PATROLLER/RECRUIT" or "+ADD NEW PATROLLERS/RECRUITS USING AN EXCEL FILE":

  • 6) If the missing member is a patroller that is returning from a previous year, you should be able to find their name under either of the two other tabs:

  • 7) Once you find their name, click on the link "View/Edit" next to his/her name:

  • 8) Verify that his/her status is set to "ACTIVE MEMBER", if not, change the status of the patroller to "ACTIVE MEMBER" and click the button "UPDATE & QUIT".
  • 10) Click on the second tab "Active, Associate and Affiliate Patrollers NOT Registered for 2006-2007":

You are now ready to order your CSPS ID Cards from National Office. You do this from the Main Menu,

  • 13) Click "Manage Zone Completion List" and select the link "Do It" next to "Order ID Cards from National Office":

  • 15) If you have any National Life Members in your zone, which the ID Card is NO Charge, verify their personal data in the list:


During the season, if you add a new member, no matter what the status, you can click on the link "UPDATE" from the Completion List page and automatically advise the National Office to order the ID Card. Don't forget to specify in the text box the name of the new member and his/her CSPS ID.