Greg McCormick, VP Communications and Marketing (

Regrettably, the Canadian Ski Patrol received word in July that our participation in the Amazon Associates program was under review. For those unaware of the program, the CSP had been using it as a means to raise funds. Members would connect to Amazon via a special web-link which tracked their order, and a portion of the total purchase would be donated by Amazon to the CSP.

The CSP was advised that Amazon Associates was an affiliate sales program, where specific products would be highlighted for sale with the promoter receiving a commission. After some discussion with our marketing resources, it was agreed the program was beyond our scope and not what we had originally signed up for.

We are hoping that the Amazon Smile program, which donates a portion of purchases to an identified charity, comes to Canada in the near future. Presently, the Amazon Smile program is only available to U.S.-registered charities.

We appreciate the support of those who used the link on a regular basis. Please consider joining the Fundscrip program – the details can be found on our website.

Termination of the Amazon Associates referral program

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