August 12, 2020

Dear zone presidents and division presidents,

The ongoing implications and complications of COVID-19 are affecting all CSP members in various ways. The National Management Committee (NMC) has been asked a number of questions as division, zones and members work to manage the impact of COVID-19 while patrolling.

The National Management Committee has setup an FAQ for COVID-19 issues and questions to try to alleviate some stress, dispel rumours and provide some information related to guidance that will be coming for the 2020-2021season. Just as COVID-19 is an evolving infection, so is this document. As further questions arise, the NMC will endeavour to provide the answers as best we can, using the resources at our disposal.

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Please share this message with your zone members. Members are encouraged to email with any further issues and questions.


National Management Committee

New COVID-19 FAQ now on CSP website

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