By Craig Taggart, National Recognition Committee Chair (

This is another call for nominations for national recognitionformerly known as national awards. All nominations are made through the NDS. The deadline for nominations for 2020 recognition is February 15. The full guide can be found through the members’ home page at

Anybody can make a nomination. Recognizing our volunteers is important and thanking them through recognition is vital. Remember, you are that other person somebody else is waiting for.

For the national recognition program to be effective and meet our needs, it is reviewed each year to address issues which have been identified. Some issues are identified by the committee and others by comments received after the recognition ceremony.


Altitude (and by default the recognition ceremony) has been moved to June – why was the nomination deadline January 15?

The nomination deadline is now February 15th which still allows the necessary time to score nominations, submit lists to the board, and all related tasks associated with the program.


At the ceremony, CSP recipients were only named with their number – recipients deserve more than that.

Direction was given to reduce the amount of time for the ceremony. In shortening the ceremony, we went too far. This year, we will recognize recipients’ accomplishments while still making the ceremony flow. Ideas are appreciated. Feel free to share them with the committee chair at the email address below.


Nomination questions were repetitive, asking for the same information in different ways.

The questions for the CSP and Life Member awards have been adjusted to get the information needed. Answers must be succinct; the updated questions should help. A checklist for nominators, zone and division presidents, and the recognition committee is included to ensure that award criteria have been met.


It was unclear what qualified for a lifesaving award.

A list of items which will be considered when reviewing a lifesaving nomination is now included.


Keeping to the word limit is difficult.

We realized that nominators were trying to write to the limit. That is not necessary. If the information can be presented in fewer words, then please do that. There is no need to write the maximum number of words. As long as the information is presented, the committee can do its job.


We need to recognize members who have passed away.

This is included in the most recent edition of the recognition program. Names of patrollers who have passed away should be provided to the chair of the recognition committee for inclusion in the slideshow.


If you have questions or suggestions, please contact Recognition Committee Chair Craig Taggart, at

Recognition program updates

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