By Craig Taggart, National Recognition Committee Chair (

As an organization, it is inevitable that current and former members pass away. In recent years, there have been various ways to recognize these individuals through social media – with no standard.

The recognition committee was tasked with creating a standard and this information is contained within the recognition program document.

First and foremost, recognition should be at the area/zone/division level. The national office should be notified as soon as possible for the information to be kept on file. It is the responsibility of the zone to inform the national office of the passing of a member.

Individuals will be recognized with a moment of silence and the names read out at the recognition ceremony, and the list will be published after the recognition ceremony.

A logo has been created as is available for use on social media platforms and the use of the logo is detailed below.

Any questions should be directed to Vice-President of Communications and Marketing Greg McCormick.

Use of a mourning ribbon

  • A “virtual” mourning ribbon has been created and is available for use on social media platforms.
  • This image will be the only image to be used upon the death of a current member.
  • This is not used for the passing of a former member, except in the event where the member could not fulfill obligations due to illness or injury but would have otherwise been a regular member.
  • The image can be posted on social media sites from the time of death until midnight on the day of the individual’s funeral/memorial.
  • CSP members, family, friends and anyone who wishes to mourn and illustrate their support may display the mourning ribbon.
  • Posting must fall into existing CSP social media guidelines.
  • The graphic was created by Brand and Partners, and approved in 2018.
  • Should the image be used incorrectly, the zone president will be contacted and allowed to manage the misuse such that a difficult time is not worsened.
Recognition of members who have passed away

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