By Anne Haley-Callaghan, Corporate Secretary (

The Canadian Ski Patrol will hold the annual general meeting of members, as required by our bylaw and the The Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act, during Altitude 2020 in Calgary next June.

In January, 2020, the board of directors will be issuing a call for members’ proposals. Any member entitled to vote at the annual general meeting may submit notice of any matter the member proposes to raise at the meeting. This proposal can include but is not limited to making, amending or repealing a provision of the bylaw. Since all member proposals must be included in the notice of the meeting issued by the Canadian Ski Patrol, a deadline for submissions will be identified as set out in The Canada Not-for-Profit Corporation Act S.C.2009, c.23. Sections 152(6) and 163(1). The deadline date for submitting a proposal, as well as a format for the proposal, will be issued in January, 2020.

In mid-February, 2020, a call for nominations for positions on the board of directors will be issued by the board. In 2020, there will be two vacancies on board of directors. Each director elected at the 2020 annual general meeting will serve a three-year term expiring at the annual meeting of members in 2023. The call for nominations will include eligibility requirements and deadlines for submissions.

The board of directors encourages all members to be engaged and participate in the governance of the Canadian Ski Patrol. Members’ proposals help define our future direction. Being a director is a rewarding opportunity to contribute to the strategic governance of the Canadian Ski Patrol.

Early notice of member proposals and nominations for board of directors

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