September 23, 2019


Dear zone president and division presidents,


This is the first notice regarding the National Recognition Program and the award nomination process for the 2019/2020 patrol season.

Nominations for National Recognition Program will be opening shortly, with the deadline for nominations set for January 15.  As our training season begins, it is important to look at all of the patrollers within your areas to see who is deserving of recognition with a national award.

As leaders in the CSP, you play a vital role in the recognition of our members. Each and every nomination should be vetted by you. If the criteria has not been met, the guidelines ignored, or the nomination is poorly presented, it is up to you to send it back to the nominator to be reworked. Furthermore, you are encouraged to submit comments regarding the nominees. This information is valuable to the Recognition Committee, especially if the nomination is not supported, as the Committee needs sufficient detail to understand this position.  This will aid the Committee in evaluating the nomination, and will greatly increase the likelihood of having a successful nomination.

Please forward any questions or concerns to Craig Taggart, National Recognition Committee Chair, at




Craig Taggart

Chair, National Recognition Committee

National Recognition Program – Update

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