By Sheila Reesor, Director, National IBAC Blanket Program (

This is to let you know that we have now reached the end of the national blanket program and our partnership with the Insurance Brokers Association of Canada (IBAC).

This long-standing program began 12 years ago in 2007, with an initial agreement for the CSP to benefit from their existing national blanket campaign and the IBAC Broker Identity Program. That fall, 4,000 functional, high-quality purple blankets and 800 posters were distributed across Canada to every resort where the CSP offers its services.

After receiving tremendous feedback that first season, the partnership was extended for another five years to 2012, with 2,000 blankets per year and an allotment of banners going out across the country each September.

In 2012, this partnership was extended once again, for another three years to 2016. And in 2016, it was decided that the program would be renewed annually. It was renewed annually for the 2017, 2018 and 2019 seasons.

Above and beyond the above, starting in 2011, IBAC designed and created a special award blanket for presentation each year along with the national award to each recipient of the national lifesaving or bravery award.

All told, between 2007 and 2019, IBAC spent more than $500,000 on this program. I’m sure you will all agree, not only has this partnership enjoyed a phenomenally long run, this is a significant financial commitment.

Of course, every good business relationship offers a win-win:

· By tying into IBAC’s existing campaign and extending the blanket program onto ski hills across the country, the CSP offered nationwide reach and broker recognition to its target demographic within the CSP membership and the sporting public at large.

· In return, the CSP received professional-looking blankets for use in every day patrolling needs and duties. Through the years, these blankets have offered quality, uniformity and image enhancement to the CSP nationally.

· Also, by associating the CSP with the broker message in the bilingual posters, signs and flyers that were sent out with the blankets, this program successfully extended the common mission both organizations share: safety promotion and injury prevention.

Thank you to all who have supported this national program over the years by distributing the blankets and banners to patrols, making sure the blankets were used for their intended purpose, providing added visibility for the sponsor and for sending in photos to share with the sponsor. Please continue to enjoy the use of blankets you currently have in stock as long as you like.

Now that the model has been established, rest assured that efforts will be made to secure another blanket sponsor.

IBAC blanket program comes to a close

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