June 3, 2019


Dear members,

I am writing to day to share a personal update regarding our President and CEO, Bruce Robinson, who has recently informed the Board of Directors that he has come to question his gender identity and the intention to begin the transition from identifying as a man to identity as a woman.  We commend Bruce for the courage that it must have taken to get to this decision and thank Bruce for the trust that has been put in our entire organization as she embarks on this life-changing journey.

As an employer in the province of British Columbia, where Bruce lives and works, the Canadian Ski Patrol adheres to the BC Employment Standards Act and BC Human Rights Code. Transgendered individuals are specifically classified as a protected class under the BC Human Rights Code which protects individuals from discrimination and harassment based on “gender expression” and “gender identity”.

Gender expression is how a person presents their gender. This can include behaviour and appearance, including dress, hair, make-up, body language and voice. This can also include name and pronoun, such as he, she or they. How a person presents their gender may not necessarily reflect their gender identity

Gender identity is a person’s sense of themselves as male, female, both, in between or neither. It includes people who identify as transgender. Gender identity may be different or the same as the sex a person is assigned at birth.

The Canadian Ski Patrol has a strong history of supporting diversity, and we can all take collective pride in the standards that we set and adhere to on a daily basis through our current Code of Ethics and our Mutual Respect Policy.  Ours is an inclusive and healthy workplace and volunteer environment where all members and employees are treated fairly, difference is acknowledged and valued, and there is a culture of respect and cooperation.

Since joining our organization six months ago, Bruce has delivered consistently on the required skill sets that the role of President and CEO of the Canadian Ski Patrol requires, and I have every reason to believe that this will remain the case going forward.  Understanding that this transition process will not take place over-night, many of us will have much to learn about supporting Bruce on this journey, and we are 100% committed to doing so.

Bruce has shared a personal message intended to update you and answer any questions you may have on this matter; you can read it here.  We strongly value open honest communication and encourage you to reach out to myself or Bruce direct should you have any additional questions.

Link: A message from the President and CEO, Bruce Robinson



Anne Haley-Callaghan,

Chairperson, Canadian Ski Patrol



Attached is a link to reference material that can assist you in learning about gender transition in the workplace and volunteer environment: https://www.skipatrol.ca/members/human-resources/

A message from the Chair of the Board of Directors

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