Note: Resent with additional attachments.


April 24, 2019


Dear division presidents and zone presidents,

I am writing today to inform you of changes coming to the structure of the National Management Committee (NMC) for June 2019.

The NMC is an operational committee under the direction of and accountable to the President and CEO, therefore, the decision to make changes to the structure reside with the President and CEO. Notwithstanding the President and CEO’s ability to make changes to the NMC, I consulted with the current NMC members to discuss potential changes to the NMC structure and responsibilities and now I am consulting with you.

The NMC met in January and extensively discussed the roles and responsibilities for each of the portfolios. The end result of these discussions was changes to the structure of the NMC that will better support to me as President and CEO and to provide improved clarity about the responsibilities and accountabilities for each Vice President (VP) role. The CSP Board of Directors reviewed the changes during its meeting on April 11, 2019 and supported the direction.

The most important changes are:

  1. Creating a specific portfolio for finance.
  2. Changing the names of the portfolios to represent the duties and responsibilities of each VP.
  3. Creating specific duties and responsibilities for the Division President representative.
  4. Defining which VP is clearly responsible for the process and infrastructure for member registration.


Finance Portfolio

The CSP Board of Directors approved the creation of a Financial Oversight Committee (FOC) that is responsible and reports to the board of directors and is essentially an audit and finance committee. Therefore, the financial functions that were the responsibility the VP – Business Operations have been transferred to and the FOC as a committee. the Chair of the FOC will have the same status as a VP and will be an active member of the NMC.


Changing Portfolio Names

The portfolio names are being changed to reflect the responsibilities of the portfolio. The change in names will hopefully provide members with a better understanding of the role of each portfolio.


Old name                                                        New name
Business operations Business Administration
Members and Resorts Patrol Operations
Brand and Partners Communications and Marketing
Training and Development Training and Development
Division President Representative Division President Representative
Chair Financial Oversight Committee (new to NMC
National Manager National Manager
President and CEO President and CEO

Division President Representative

The membership approved the inclusion of division presidents to the National Management Committee during the annual meeting in Big White in 2017. Division presidents currently serve on each of the portfolio committees and there is a DP representative who meets with the VPs as part of the NMC. I have come to learn further clarity for the DP Representative’s role is required. Therefore, a list of specific responsibilities has been created for the DP Representative on the NMC:

  • Liaison between the NMC and the Division Presidents
  • Vulnerable Sector Search program
  • 365-Events (i.e. non-winter events)
  • Coordination for the sale of Standard First Aid courses (when approved)

The concept is that the VP – Patrol Operations will be responsible for the operational details related to providing programs and services on the ski hill while the DP Representative will be responsible programs and issues that arise outside the context of providing patrol services on the snow.



No specific VP was responsible for the entire CSP member registration process; the duties were split among several VPs.

The most important function undertaken by the national level of the CSP is managing member registration. This includes the process of registering, including payment of fees, anda the information technology infrastructure required to manage the registration process and member information.

The VP – Business Administration will be responsible for the entire registration process and IT infrastructure and will coordinate the work to registration system across all portfolios.

You will find attached a presentation that outlines the changes to the VP roles on the NMC. The CSP regulations and VP job descriptions will be updated to reflect these changes no later than the June 2019. I will also be conducting a search for a new VP – Business Administration over the next couple of months and intend to have a person in place for Altitude 2019.

NMC Restructure March 2019 ENG


Feedback from ZPs and DPs

There is still an opportunity for you, as a Zone or Division President, to provide your comments as part of the consultation process. In particular, what are the ways in which the DP Representative on the NMC can better serve your needs? You are welcome to send me your comments no later than Tuesday, May 7, 2019. I will be making financial decisions on the NMC structure before June 2019 and a final presentation of the NMC structure will be available for the zone presidents’ meeting during Altitude 2019 in Toronto.

Please do not hesitate to contact me at at any time.




Bruce Robinson, CPA, CMA

President and CEO

Restructuring the National Management Committee

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