March 14, 2019

Dear division presidents and zone presidents,

You received on January 18, 2019, a document entitled, “The Case for Designing a New Governance Structure and Business Plan” (“Plan”), that outlined a process to develop a new business plan for the Canadian Ski Patrol and design a governance structure to support the implementation of this plan. The Plan proposed a Steering Committee to guide the strategy and governance development process.

I am writing to you today to request names be put forward to participate on the Steering Committee. A detailed Terms of Reference (“ToR”) for the Steering Committee is available for download and this should be used to help you identify potential candidates. I have also attached a Committee Member application to give you an idea of what we are asking the prospective members to submit. Prospective Committee Members will be asked to complete an on-line application (link below):

Prospective Committee Member – Application

Terms of Reference – Strategic Design Steering Committee

Zones and Divisions will be represented on the Steering Committee, but Zone and Division Presidents don’t necessarily have be Committee Members. This is not to say ZP and DPs shouldn’t be on the Committee; they certainly can be. The time commitment to the Strategic Design Steering Committee will be extensive, therefore as you consider possible names for the Steering Committee, you will want to take into consideration an individual’s current duties, roles, and time availability and consider the trade-offs of recommending someone who is already very busy with the CSP.

I encourage you to identify potential individuals who have an understanding of strategy development and governance, who are able to work collaboratively within a diverse group, who are ready to roll-up their sleeves and work, and who will work towards building a better CSP for every CSP member across the country.

Each Candidate will be asked to complete an application and submit this application to Bruce Robinson, President and CEO, at no later than 12:00 midnight PT on Tuesday, March 19, 2019.

In addition to this public call for Steering Committee members, the President and CEO and the Chairperson of the CSP Board of Directors will seek qualified and interested individuals to be considered for the membership on the Steering Committee after consulting with leadership within the CSP at the Zone, Division, and National levels.

The CSP Board of Directors will make the final decision on the membership of the Steering Committee.


 Due Date Action
March 8, 2019 Finalize materials for the call for Committee members
March 12, 2019 Distribute call for Committee members via Need To Know, Patrol Bulletin and social media
March 20, 2019 Last day to receive names for the Committee
March 22, 2019 Board finalizes the Committee
April 15, 2019 1st Meeting of the Committee (no later than this date)


If you have any questions, please contact Bruce Robinson at

Yours truly,

W. Bruce Robinson, CPA, CMA
President and CEO

Strategic Design Steering Committee – Call for Committee Members

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