January 7, 2019


Dear division presidents and zone presidents.

This message is a reminder to all division presidents and zone presidents that all recognition award nominations must be approved prior to being scored.  The division presidents and zone presidents are the ‘filter’ so to speak for the nominations, ensuring that the National Recognition Committee sees good-quality nominations. All nominations must be submitted by January 15, 2019.

Incomplete nominations will be returned to nominator. The committee can only score what is presented. Information about the nominee cannot be assumed. A detailed nomination is a must in order to be successful.

Several of the awards have prerequisites that must be met.  When reviewing the nomination, please ensure the prerequisites have been met before approving the nomination. Note as well that there is a cap on the narrative portions of the nomination. Nominations that do not adhere to the word limit will not be scored. With the exception of the Bravery and Lifesaving awards, additional documentation, such as a letter of support, is not required.

Previously rejected nominations will not be scored if the content of the nomination has not been updated.  Information on rejected nominations was provided to all division presidents and zone presidents at the end of the scoring process last year.

Please review the updated guidelines for the Recognition Program.  There are changes to criteria, prerequisites, details, and other information.  In addition, the directed questions are also provided for each award. All of these changes were made in an effort to make the nomination process standardized and more transparent.  Directed questions allow for succinct information, rather than lengthy submissions which often contained non-pertinent information.

If you have questions, please contact the Chair of the National Recognition Committee – Craig Taggart at craig.taggart@skipatrol.ca.

National Recognition (Awards) Program

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