January 6, 2019


Dear division presidents and zone presidents,

The CSP national safety team and Parachute Canada; a national safety organization, are pleased to offer you a new resource that promises to improve awareness around concussions.

This document is available for download and printing via national shared files. It includes topics ranging from physical, cognitive and emotional signs and symptoms, to diagnosis, treatment, and return-to-sport highlights.

CSP –  Concussion Card (EN) – PDF

We ask that you distribute this information to all of the leaders within your division and zone, particularly patrol leaders. They could then make it available for distribution at patrol rooms, safety events and — with local management permission — post it throughout resorts.

Thank you for your continued support of national safety. Have a great season!

Questions regarding this initiative can be directed to Lia Skelding: lia.skelding@skipatrol.ca.

A new concussion resource for national safety

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