By Kerri Loudoun, Communications and Marketing Portfolio Leader (

This month, we are profiling the CSP Legal Advisory Committee (LAC). This article will outline the structure of the LAC, its function and operation process, and who is on the committee.

LAC - an overview

As an advisory committee, the LAC provides advice and recommendations to the board of directors when the committee is presented with matters related to legal situations, national and provincial laws, and more.

The LAC reviews the situation and come up with a reasonable recommendation based on its understanding of the matter.

These recommendations are presented to the board for consideration.

The LAC is comprised of a varying number of members who are practicing or retired lawyers from across the country. As well, there may be other members of the LAC who are not lawyers but who are able to provide experience in governance or expertise in a specific area.

Currently, there are six members serving on the LAC.

Meeting structure and frequency

The members of the LAC meet online exclusively on an as-needed basis. Over the past few years, this has typically been only a few times per year. It does not meet on a regular basis but is called upon by the board when needed.

Recommendations are typically provided in writing, and in online meetings when requested by the board and co-executive directors.

Core responsibilities:

LAC’s core responsibilities include:

  • Supporting the CSP by providing perspectives, advice, expertise and recommendations to the board of directors and the national management committee on matters referred or identified.
  • Specifically, identify manifest and latent consequences of an issue by consideration of statutory and case law; organizational history, capacity and goals of the CSP.

How are committee members selected?

LAC members may be recruited based a specific expertise relevant to an issue or action. The committee members may change from time to time depending on the availability of a member and the issue from the board under consideration. Persons interested in joining the LAC should contact the chair through the board chair.

Impact on individual patrollers

The involvement of the LAC ensures legal best practices are considered in operational decisions and policy development and implementation by divisions and zones.

This impact can be both immediate and long term. It can also be specific in unexpected ways.

For example, the LAC has considered the terms and conditions of written agreements with partner ski areas and non-ski events impacting the day-to-day relationships between the CSP and our partner resorts. This has provided clear expectations and responsibilities around things like providing supplies, treatment spaces and benefits to patrollers.

Less immediate but equally important are considerations such as legal protection for patrollers when the CSP is involved in litigation.

In cooperation with other CSP advisory committees, the LAC may provide guidance around compliance with corporate, tax, and other laws of Canada and the provinces our patrollers volunteer in.

LAC members

Below is a list of the current committee members. We asked everyone to share a little about themselves so you can get to know them better.

Click on each name to expand their profile.

Next Issue

Next month, we will profile the division presidents – who they are currently and their function within the CSP.

Know Your National – Legal Advisory Committee

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