By Dave Lepa, Calgary Zone member (

To promote International Ski Patrol Day on February 10, our national partner Helly Hansen extended a gracious invitation to the Canadian Ski Patrol to join them in their Banff boutique store to help promote the special occasion.
Vice-president of Recruitment for CSP Calgary Zone Darryl Aarbo put out the request for support to the CSP Calgary team to help promote our joint brands as well as support the Canadian Ski Patrol’s ongoing recruitment efforts. Without hesitation a contingent of CSP volunteers were at the ready.

The potential for free HH swag was definitely a draw, but our professional CSP team demonstrated that ultimately, we were all there to share our stories with the public and to enjoy taking part in this great CSP awareness day.
Sam, the skilful and cordial store manager, helped us get organized and he brought in Tim Hortons coffee and Timbits as well as trays of snacks for all patrons and volunteers to enjoy as they circulated the store.
HH provided a wide range of giveaway items to members of the public such as thermal flasks, hydra packs, coffee mugs, hats, whistles, can cozies, and even HH doggie bandanas!

Elsa showing off her new Helly Hansen doggie bandana

The only hitch was that store customers had to spin the game wheel for a prize selection and then answer a specific CSP or HH skill-testing question! Who knew HH was founded in 1877?!

The HH store in downtown Banff was bustling all day with many visitors from all over the world. HH contributed five per cent of store sales that day directly to the Canadian Ski Patrol, so we were all on our toes highlighting our great HH jackets and vests that we proudly wear as we go about our patrol duties on the hill.

The game wheel was spinning all afternoon as families and other store visitors walked away with lots of HH swag as well as a good knowledge transfer on who the CSP is and some of the safety tips for on the ski hill.

What I found most gratifying about the day was the many people who just wanted to say thank you for all the wonderful work we do as patrollers, keeping the hills safe and to help people when needed. It always feels great to be appreciated and we felt wonderfully appreciated by the public and also by the amazing HH Banff store staff. A fantastic day was celebrated without even putting on my skis!

Left to Right – Franc Lockyer CSP Lake Louise, Darryl Aarbo CSP Lake Louise, Dave Lepa CSP Lake Louise, Jeremy Koehler CSP Norquay

All images provided by Dave Lepa

By Elizabeth Oldfield and A.P. Crawford, Communications Team (5×

On February 10 the world celebrated International Ski Patrol Day. Here are photos of some of the ways that the day was celebrated in Canada:

At Searchmont Resort in Sault Ste. Marie Zone

Window at the Outpost Store at Searchmont Resort


Rescuing Searchmont’s mascot Monty


At Marble Mountain in Newfoundland and Labrador Zone

Marble Mountain rookies training under National Life Member Darryl Murphy’s watchful eye.

At Caledon Ski Club in Central Zone

ISP Day at Caledon (photo by Greg Dell’Agense)

At Lake Louise in Calgary Zone

At Mont Bechervaise in Gaspe Zone

Centre de ski Mont Bechervaise

And at Ski Wentworth in Nova Scotia Zone

Celebrating at Ski Wentworth on the day
Even George the search dog joined in the festivities.

Remember that we love to see photos of celebrations across the CSP. You can always submit them to 5/5 at 5× Don’t forget to post them on the CSP Facebook group page and our other social media channels.

International Ski Patrol Day 2024

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