By Nancy Price-Hutley, National Recognition Committee Chair (

Change is on the horizon for the National Recognition Program. We have developed an online awards application and will begin testing in the next few weeks. We hope that by mid-March we will be ready to start accepting award submissions. Zone presidents and division presidents will be kept aware of our progress. Please note, because we are introducing a new awards application and process, we will be accepting submissions up until May 28, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. This extended timeline should provide ample opportunity for national award submissions by zones and divisions.

Recognition committee members are changing as well. We are sorry to see Meaghan Kells leave the committee. For much of Meaghan’s term on the NRC, she has balanced her commitment to recognition along with the responsibilities of being the CSP Atlantic East Division president. We will miss Meaghan’s thoughtful insights and wish her all the best.

We welcome Deanna Anderson from the CSP Ontario Division and CSP Muskoka Zone, to the NRC. Deanna has been with the Canadian Ski Patrol for 25 years. She brings a wealth of experience and we’re excited to have her join.

Message from the National Recognition Committee

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