By Nancy Price-Hutley, National Recognition Committee Chair (

Being a part of the CSP National Recognition Committee is perhaps one of the most rewarding positions I have held in the Canadian Ski Patrol. Reading about all the great contributions patrollers across the country are making reinforces the proud, passionate and professional mentality we are striving for as patrollers.

Recognizing our patrollers is something we need to be doing at every opportunity. This not only encourages them in their professional development as patrollers but shows others that the organization values their commitment.

We have a great recognition program and as the program has evolved, we have made efforts to encourage all zones and divisions across the country to put forth submissions to honour their members and the work they have done.

Last year was a transition year for our organization with the awards platform. Although it was not without some minor glitches, we owe a big thank you to Matthew Carr, Eric Torunski and Tom Carr for supporting our recognition program.

This coming year we have exciting news with respect to award submissions. Stay tuned for updates as they become available.

Get ready for the 2024 CSP award program launch

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