By Nancy Price-Hutley, National Recognition Committee Chair (

As many of you are aware, in the March issue of 5/5 I wrote about the new awards submission application. Since then correspondence was sent to zone and division presidents about an extension to the submission deadline to mid-June due to some technical issues. As promised, we are ready to relaunch the application.

Moving forward please use the following link: to access the application. This should take you directly to the sign in page. Once there you will have several options to choose from.

To submit a nomination, please click on “submit a nomination” and follow the steps.

To confirm your award was accepted, please click on “view your outstanding nominations”. You will see a red button on the right hand side that says “submit”. Please click on this and it will change to submitted. Once this has been completed, please send me an email to advise that you have submitted an award nomination so that I may confirm receipt. Although I am asking you to do this now, we hope that by next year we will not have to request confirmation of an award submission.

If you have submitted an award prior to this relaunch and do not find it on your list of outstanding nominations, please email me to confirm receipt of the submission(s). This is particularly important since we do not want to miss any submissions that were sent but not received prior to the relaunch due to the technical issues with the application.

Please remember, the awards deadline for this year only has been extended to June 15th.

Important message from the National Recognition Committee

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