By Nancy Price-Hutley, National Recognition Committee Chair (

The national recognition committee is excited that we are currently fine-tuning a platform through Yeti for the awards program. Matthew Carr, Tom Carr and Eric Torunski deserve a huge thank you for the tremendous amount of work put into developing this part of the Yeti platform. The awards submission process is closely aligned with the previous NDS award submission process, so users should have little to no difficulty in working through award submissions.

Once the platform has been finalized we will meet with division and zone presidents to review the award submission process, asking them to share with their membership the date the platform goes live. As always the recognition committee will be available to provide help or guidance for award submissions.

The deadline for award submissions will be April 28, 2023, which provides lots of time for members to recognize the great things their fellow patrollers do every day. We challenge each zone across the country to submit at least two names for national recognition.

We will introduce the members of the recognition committee in the next issue of 5/5.

National recognition committee update 2023

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