By Elizabeth Oldfield, Communications and Marketing Portfolio Member (5×

Several weeks ago, Canadians watched with horror as Hurricane Fiona slammed into eastern Canada creating devastation and chaos in her wake.

Patroller Emily Pelley, the franchisee for Subway locations in Cape Breton and her team worked tirelessly to prepare and donate 400 submarine sandwiches to the YMCA of Cape Breton. The “Y” provided support to community members in the form of hot showers, charging of electronic devices and warm drinks and snacks. For more on this story, click here.

Emily asked us to acknowledge her food vendors for their help and support and her firm for its guidance and communications. “We worked closely with the vendors through the hurricane and they agreed to comp some of our supplies to further help the community in a time of need. It was an awesome effort by all to make this happen.”

Emily’s story is one of many patrollers who stepped up during the storm to help the community during a difficult event. We would like to feature more of these acts of kindness in upcoming issues. If you know of other acts of kindness during the hurricane, please reach out to the CSP at 5× with your story.

Hard times don’t create heroes. It is during the hard times when the ‘hero’ within us is revealed. ~ Bob Riley
The leaders among us

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