By Glenn Bonsall, Corporate Secretary (


Once again in 2022, the annual general meeting of the members of the Canadian Ski Patrol will be held virtually on September 24, 2022. As information becomes available, it will be added to the Annual General Meeting page of the national website so check back often. All members in good standing of the CSP are invited to attend and zone presidents will be voting on the matters that come before the meeting. Note that there will be simultaneous translation services available for the meeting.


Annual general meeting

The annual general meeting is required to be held to conduct the following business:

  1. To consider the minutes of the last meeting of the members held on September 18h, 2021.
  2. To receive and consider the board of directors report, co-executive directors report and vice-president reports.
  3. To pass a resolution approving the financial statements and report of the auditor for the financial year ended March 31, 2022.
  4. To pass a resolution appointing the auditor for the upcoming year.
  5. To pass a resolution ratifying and confirming the past acts of the directors and officers of the corporation.
  6. To elect three persons to the board of directors, for a three-year term each, from among the members of the corporation.
  7. To transact such other business as may be properly brought before the meeting or any adjournment thereof.


Members’ proposals

Members may make proposals to the board of directors which will be voted on by the zone presidents (who carry the votes for the CSP). Any members’ proposal must be submitted by midnight EDT August 5, 2022 to Corporate Secretary Glenn Bonsall ( The form to submit such a proposal may be found by clicking here (note, you must be signed into YETI to access the form). Specific instructions are included as part of the form.


Presentation of audited financial statements and meet the candidates

September 13, 2022, 7:00 p.m. EDT

A meeting to present the annual financial statements and entertain any questions arising will be held virtually on September 13, 2022. The presentation will be led by Chair of the Financial Oversight Committee Pamela FitzGerald (Life Member No. 73).

A link to the supporting documents and how to access this meeting will be posted on the members’ website at a later date.

Following the presentation of the financial statements, a moderated meet the candidates question and answer session will be held with the current candidates for the board of directors. For 2022 there will be an election for three directors.\

At this time three nominations have been filed:

  • Stéphane Niles (incumbent member of the board and current chair)
  • Don Silverman (incumbent member of the board)
  • Jodi-Marc Lalonde (incumbent member of the board and current vice-chair)

Members may submit questions in advance to the co-executive directors Mark Brown ( or Jean Rioux (

The meeting is scheduled to conclude not later than 10:00 p.m. EDT.

Full instructions on how to access and register for these meetings will be provided to members in advance of the meetings by way of a Patrol Bulletin.

Everything you need to know about the 2022 CSP AGM

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