By A.P. Crawford, National Periodical Editor and Production Manager (

This year Doug MacLean of Nova Scotia Zone celebrated 60 years of service with the Canadian Ski Patrol, only the third person in our history to have achieved that record. Over the years he has been witness to so many changes in the CSP, not the least of which has been the uniform. He has been a leader and mentor throughout his career and was recognized in 1990 as Life Member No. 28, and shows no signs of slowing down!

Recently Doug was recognized and honoured at the Nova Scotia Zone awards banquet by being presented with the Mark Labow Diamond Award, much to his surprise. A number of his peers travelled from across the country to be there in celebration. Global News also broadcast a news report which featured an interview with Doug in celebration of this milestone.

Doug’s response to the hoopla? In his own words:

“I wish to thank everyone for the kind words and recognition given to me for my 60 years of CSP service. I was truly overwhelmed and humbled by all the comments and attention received. A lot of individuals went above and beyond and I will be forever grateful.

“The CSP is a great organization with members that show enthusiasm and demonstrate professionalism. I am proud to be a member of the CSP family.”

Congratulations Doug. The hoopla was well deserved!

Celebrating 60 years of service!

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