By Andrew Hill, Training and Development Portfolio Lead (

The current baseline for the CSP’s Advanced First Aid (AFA) Manual is the 2019 version incorporating change notices 1 and 2. This note provides a preview of the changes that are scheduled for release in April with the new 2022 baseline for the AFA Manual and associated training material which:

  1. Incorporates updates to the manual to meet the 2020 ILCOR guidelines, as defined by ILCOR and the Canadian Red Cross 2020 Clinical and Education Updates for Canada.
  2. Incorporates updates to the manual in response to education change requests (ECR) that were raised by CSP members through the legacy national database system (NDS).

In accordance with the resolution passed at the 2020 annual general meeting, the release of the 2022 AFA Manual marks the beginning of its five-year review cycle. Any change notices during that period will be as a result of high-priority updates required by medical advisor direction, or federal, provincial or territorial regulation, or other consensus body recommendations. Low-priority ECRs would not be addressed until the 2027 baseline.

To see the full list of changes that have been made to the manual’s 22 chapters, click here.

Note that this edition of the 2022 AFA Manual does not include updates to the AFA videos and screenshots included in the 2019 AFA Manual. You do not need to raise any further change requests for these, we have a full list of corrections that need to be made. The videos will be updated and inserted when they have been re-shot. The timing is subject to relaxation of ongoing COVID-19 restrictions.
2022 AFA Manual changes

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