Ontario Division ready to go

By Bradley Redwood, Ontario Division President (bradley.redwood@skipatrol.ca)

Fall is in full swing in the east and Mother Nature is beginning to help resort snowmakers with the task at hand. Advanced First Aid training is almost complete and it has been great to be able to do most of it in-person this year. According to the Farmer’s Almanac it’s supposed to be a cold and snowy winter.

Many hands make light work, so don’t be afraid to step up and help your fellow patrollers. This can be as simple as covering a shift for a patroller that has had a change in schedule and can’t make it or helping to plan a socially distanced event with your fellow patrollers. It could also mean stepping up to help with one of the many patrol, zone, division, or national positions that are currently open. I would highly encourage anyone to take on a new role.

I have taken on a new role as the Ontario Division president, and I will introduce the division team (note the opportunities to join us):

  • Operations: Nicholas Dodokin
  • Training: Brenda Lynch
  • On Snow: Nancy Askin
  • Finance: Ryan Macleod
  • Administration: David Shepard
  • Communications: Jennifer Delaney
  • Recruitment and Retention: Cory Tse
  • Awards/OSRA Rep: Miles Thompson
  • TSSA Rep: Candice Micucci
  • Safety: Vacant
  • Four Seasons Events: Vacant

Please also note those patrollers that may have gone above and beyond. Take a good look now at your local, division, and national awards so you can be on the lookout for those patrollers that we should be nominating for a well-deserved award. Let’s try make next spring the largest-ever number of awards that we hand out.

To help those patrollers that have taken on marketing and recruitment roles, pull out your cell phones and start taking photos of patrollers having fun during training, morning sweeps, etc. We are all in the process of updating marketing materials, websites, etc. and some new action shots would be well received.

Just remember to follow all your new protocols and enjoy the snow this winter. See you out there and thanks in advance for the thousands of hours of volunteer service we will all put in this winter. 

Division Updates – ONTARIO

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