By Marco Romani, National Director and Chairperson (


Dear members,

It gives me great pleasure to welcome Glenn Bonsall and Bruce Boynton as new members of the Canadian Ski Patrol National Board of Directors and to congratulate Fred Haight on his re-election.

As a result of the electronic vote held last week, both Fred and Glenn will hold three-year terms, ending in 2024. Bruce will hold a two-year term, ending in 2023.

Following the Annual General Meeting (AGM), the new Board met to select its slate of officers (Chair, Vice-Chair and Corporate Secretary). To allow for new officers to be mentored into their new roles, and to ensure a smooth and successful transition, the Board was unanimous in deciding that the current corporate officers remain in their roles until December 31, 2021. As such, the current Board composition is as follows:

  • Marco Romani – National Director and Chairperson
  • Don Silverman – National Director and Vice-Chairperson
  • Stéphane Niles – National Director and Corporate Secretary
  • Glenn Bonsall – National Director
  • Bruce Boynton – National Director
  • Fred Haight – National Director
  • Jodie Marc Lalonde – National Director

Effective January 1, 2022, the Board composition will be as follows:

  • Stéphane Niles – National Director and Chairperson
  • Jodie Marc Lalonde – National Director and Vice-Chairperson
  • Glenn Bonsall – National Director and Corporate Secretary
  • Bruce Boynton – National Director
  • Fred Haight – National Director
  • Marco Romani – National Director
  • Don Silverman – National Director

This AGM marked the end of Anne HaleyCallaghan’s eight-year tenure on the CSP Board of Directors. In addition to her role as a director, Anne was selected in 2016 to be the CSP’s Corporate Secretary. In March of 2017, she was elected by her fellow board members as Chairperson, the first female patroller to hold this position. During the summer of 2018, and again for seven months in 2020, Anne volunteered as Acting President and CEO during executive leadership transition periods.

Anne is truly a builder of the CSP and has contributed above and beyond what is normally expected of a volunteer board member. We are grateful for her guidance, leadership, and contributions, and wish her all the best in her future endeavours. Thank you and enjoy your free time, Anne!

A single member proposal – to split the Quebec Zone to create a new zone to be called “Chaudière-Appalaches” – was on this year’s AGM agenda. The proposal was carried unanimously during the AGM.

We would like to thank everyone who participated in the Board election and AGM. A special thank you to all those that helped make this second virtual AGM a success.

On behalf of the National Board of Directors, I wish you all a great upcoming patrol season.

Best regards,

Marco Romani
National Director and Chairperson

Announcement of new CSP Board of Directors and AGM member proposal result

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