By Anne Haley-Callaghan and Jodie Marc Lalonde, National Directors ( (


Elections to choose board members happen at the CSP annual general meeting, this year in September. A formal call for nominations will be issued soon and any CSP member in good standing can be nominated. In discussion with some CSP influencers, it was clear that professional background and skill sets are of higher importance than years of service or regionality. Diversity and inclusion were also key elements for consideration, and that members to be aware of what was required which became the impetus for this article.

Currently there are seven directors. Board positions include national chairperson, vice-chairperson, corporate secretary, chair of the compensation committee, chair of the governance committee and directors who serve on the various committees including the financial oversight committee and new committees as they arise.

Chairperson Marco Romani remarked, “In a normal year we have one scheduled meeting a month (except for July) to deal with current issues. Regular meetings are in the evening and scheduled well in advance. Time commitment fluctuates based on the need for input from the board. There may be special meetings with as much notice as possible. Obviously, video meetings have become the norm.” He added that the board communicates in MS Teams. Normal years would require board members to travel at least twice for in person meetings.

Corporate Secretary Stéphane Niles said his duties include creating and distributing meeting agendas and minutes, and pertinent information. The time commitment is fixed and involves deadlines. There are also some statutory duties to be completed.”

Board members appointed to standing committees are required to attend meetings relating to the committee portfolio. After a period of orientation, new directors are assigned to at least one committee. Fred Haight, chair of the governance committee (steward of the CSP’s by-laws and regulations) said, “There is a significant amount of committee-generated work that is spread between all members of the committee.”

“The compensation committee addressed selection of new leadership, created a new evaluation process and committee charter” said committee chair Jodie Marc Lalonde. “We support our paid employees in the best way we can through selection, evaluation, training support and advancement.”

A strong leadership team includes persons with varying backgrounds and diversity that complement each other; members with backgrounds in management, finance, human resources, change management, risk management and education delivery should see themselves as potential candidates. Experience at zone and division levels and being familiar with the organizational structure will help the integration process.

If you have questions, our longest-serving board member Anne Haley-Callaghan ( is happy to answer them or can direct you to someone who can. She will set up a time for chat or you can reach out to any board member if you would like more information.

Thinking of running for the board in September 2021?

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