March 17, 2021


Dear zone presidents and division presidents,

In the coming days, the National Recognition Committee will begin the process of reviewing years of service to ensure that all members who have reached the 25, 50, and 60 year milestones are recognized at the National Level.

For anybody who joined before the 2001-2002 season (when the NDS was introduced), for the National Database to accurately reflect the years of service, there is a box above the registrations to indicate years of service prior to that time – see the following screenshot.


As an example, there has been a nomination submitted for an individual who has reached the 30 year milestone, but was not recognized at 25 years as this box was incorrect.

It is easy to generate a report of years of service for your Zone and Division.  Milestone years are highlighted.  The Recognition Committee will generate a list of patrollers with 25, 50 and 60 years to be confirmed.   Depending on numbers, this may be sent to the Division Presidents to forward to Zone Presidents.  Accurate records will ensure that the proper recognition can be made.

As well, with respect to nominations for National Recognition, it is important that, as Zone and Division Presidents, you review the nomination, and if incomplete, send it back to the nominator to be reworked.  If this happens, please indicate this on the submitted nomination so that the committee is aware that it has been asked to be redone.  The Recognition Committee can only score a nomination based on the information presented. Details are necessary.  If it is not contained in the nomination, it cannot be taken into consideration.

As Zone and Division Presidents, your attention to the following is important:

  1. Ensure the years of service prior to 2001 is up to date, and the years of service is accurate for all members.  (this may also include those who took years off)
  2. Any member who has reached the 25, 50, or 60 years milestones must have a nomination for recognition input into the NDS – the years of service award is NOT automatic.  (Select ‘Submit an Award’ from the main NDS menu)
  3. If there are any members of your zone who have passed away over the recent year, there is a place in the Recognition Program for that information to be input so that these individuals can be recognized. (Select ‘Submit an Award’ from the main NDS menu)
  4. Zone Presidents need to review all nominations that are made and ensure accuracy.  If there is erroneous information, please have it sent back and corrected.  Comments of support or non-support are required.
  5. A reminder that National Recognition Nominations are due April 15.

If you have any questions, please contact National Recognition Committee Chair, Craig Taggart at

National Recognition Information

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