By Tom Carr, VP Patrol Operations (

This past ski season ended in turmoil as resorts across Canada were shut down to help avert the spread of COVID-19. In March, the national management committee (NMC) and the board of directors focused their efforts on being prepared for the upcoming 2020-2021 season.

The CSP has been in regular communication with our international patrolling contacts at FIPS to share information and observe what is happening in the southern hemisphere. Resorts in Australia, Argentina and Chile have strict guidelines on patrolling, clinics and ski resort operations, which change as need be.

The training and development portfolio created the COVID-19 recovery committee. With representation from large and small zones and the operations portfolio to collect evidence-based information to develop guidelines for non-skiing events, classroom protocols and the on snow environment. Additionally, they received approval to alter our first aid practices to protect patrollers as much as possible. Most notably, qualifications were extended by one year (except in Quebec and New Brunswick due to provincial requirements) eliminating the need to conduct classroom training while the pandemic is still underway.

Using evidence-based guidance from public health and medical professionals, new guidelines have been distributed to division training managers. While there is still much uncertainty around the upcoming season, the CSP is ready to patrol when public health agencies permit ski areas to open. Soon, we will be able to get back to doing what we love; skiing and helping others.

Please register with your zone and be ready for patrolling in 2020-2021. Despite the uncertainty, your safety is our primary concern and all our guidelines have been written with this in mind. If you want to take a break this year, that’s okay too. We’ll still be here once the pandemic is over and life returns to a new sense of normal.

Most questions can likely be answered by visiting our COVID-19 FAQ. Log into the national website and follow the link to the FAQ on the scrolling banner. If your question is not there, then email us at and someone from the training and development portfolio will address your question in a day or so.

Patrolling, training and COVID-19 – the CSP is ready

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