By David Tremblay, Lanaudiere zone Vice-President Communication (

The long-awaited annual conference of the Canadian Ski Patrol Quebec Division took place on March 22 to 24 at Val St-Côme, in the magnificent Lanaudière region. This emblematic event, the theme of which was the World Cup, brought together passionate patrollers from different regions of Quebec for a weekend of training, competition and camaraderie.
The weekend’s schedule was well thought out and planned, and there was something for everyone. A first aid competition, a slalom competition and a funny race.

The advanced first aid competition gave teams from all zones in the Quebec division a chance to put their skills to the test. Participants were confronted with complex and varied scenarios, testing their ability to react quickly and effectively in critical medical situations. The slalom race, in both downhill skiing and snowboarding, was an outstanding event. The patrollers demonstrated their agility and technical mastery in this thrilling competition, where speed and precision were essential to reach the finish line successfully.

La station touristique Val St-Côme generously offered exclusive use of its slopes on Friday evening, allowing the patrollers to descend the slopes in optimal conditions. The partnership with Le Pitch resto-bar contributed to the convivial atmosphere of the event, both on Friday evening and for the banquet on Saturday evening, offering participants an après-ski gathering place to share anecdotes and strengthen ties within the patrol community.

To promote inclusiveness and encourage exchanges between the different zones, patrollers from other regions were given the opportunity to visit Ski Montcalm on Friday and Sunday. This initiative enriched the participants’ experience by allowing them to discover new skiing environments and share their knowledge with other patrol members. The Friday team at Ski Montcalm really appreciated the reinforcements that turned up – they had an eventful day!

Beyond the training and challenges, the annual meeting was also an opportunity to celebrate the commitment and excellence of the members of the patrol. Recognition was given for outstanding performance, dedication and years of service within the patrol. Some outstanding members were honoured with division awards, underlining their significant contribution to the patrol’s mission.
The exceptional work of the event’s organizing committee was highlighted, because without its dedication and expertise, the annual conference could not have been such a success. The meticulous planning and efficient coordination created a memorable experience for all participants. A huge thank you to: Claudiane Rouleau, Stéphanie Tardif, Sébastien Verville, Frédéric Asselin, and Jessie Gravel. Thank you to the master of ceremonies: Jacques Blais. And thanks to Charles Gohier for organizing the slalom race.

During the evening banquet, participants were informed of next year’s host zone: the next annual meeting will be held in the CSP Quebec City Zone in 2024-2025. The news was greeted with enthusiasm and will mark the start of a new era for patrolling in the Quebec City region.

The car escort service, provided by dedicated patrollers, enabled all participants to enjoy the festivities in complete safety, reinforcing the spirit of solidarity within the patrol. A huge thank you to the patrollers who drove the vehicle provided by one of the event’s partners, Joliette Subaru.

A huge thank you also to one of our members on sabbatical, Pierre Vachon, for agreeing to be the official photographer for the annual meeting.

The Canadian Ski Patrol Quebec Division annual conference in Val St-Côme was a resounding success, strengthening ties within the community and underscoring the importance of ongoing training and team spirit in mountain rescue operations.
Thank you on behalf of the Lanaudière Zone organizing committee and all the participants for this 2023-2024 edition of the Quebec Division’s annual conference.

Advanced first aid competition results:

  • CSP Cantons Orford: Liette Massé, Sébastient De Léséluc, Martin Henri – first place.
  • CSPCantons Owl’s Head: Éric Poissant, Hugo Lagacé, Patrice Boulais – second place.
  • CSP Chaudière Appalache Baie Des Sables/St-Georges: Jérémy Laliberté, Sabrina Nadeau, Rémi Dorval – third place.
  • CSP Mauricie Parc: Angéline Le Sage, Kelly-Ann Lawrence, Frédérique Beaudet – fourth place.
  • CSP Bois-Francs : Jean-Philippe Bilodeau, Miguel Fortier, François Bouchard – fifth place.
  • CSP Québec Duchesnay/Val Bélair : Sophie Lapointe, Charles Coulombe, Christian Nadeau – sixth place..
  • CSP Lanaudière: Sébastien Verville, Lise Blais, Martin Bélanger – seventh place.
  • CSP Saguenay Lac St-Jean Mont Lac Vert: François Patry, Donald Gravel, Annie Lebel – eighth place.
  • CSP Laurentienne Chanteclerc: Cindy Beaulieu, Elisabeth Lanoie, Stéphane Fillion – ninth place.
  • CSP Chaudière-Appalache Mont orignal: Caroline Drapeau, Marie-Danie Déry, Michelle Drolet – tenth place.
  • CSP Saguenay Lac St-Jean Valinouet: Michel Boily, Éric Maltais, Guillaume Routhier – eleventh place.
  • CSP Baie-Comeau: Michel Belles-Iles, Dominique Noreau, Jeanine Fortin -twelfth place.
  • CSP Laurentienne Belle-Neige: Guillaume Saulnier, Jean-Christophe Péladeau, Benoit Lorrain – thirteenth place.
  • PCS Québec La Balade: Andrée Sirois, Danielle Matte, Judith Thibodeau – fourteenth place.

Slalom competition results 

Alpine skis women:

  • First place: Mariam Lecavalier – CSP Laurentienne
  • Second: Cindy Braulieu – CSP Laurentienne
  • Third place: Audrey Pépin – CSP Laurentienne

Alpin Skis Men:

  • First place: Charles Gohier – CSP Lanaudière
  • Second place: Jessy Lupien – CSP Laurentienne
  • Third place: Gabriel Normandeau – CSP Lanaudière

Snowboard women:

  • First place: Laurence Côté – CSP Abitibi
  • Second place: Myriam Lecavalier – CSP Laurentienne
  • Third place: Sabrina Nadeau – CSP Chaudière-Appalache

Snowboard men:

  • First place: Jessy Lupien – CSP laurentienne
  • Second place: Gabriel Normandeau – CSP Lanaudière
  • Third place: Jeremy Laliberté – CSP Chaudière-Appalache
CSP Quebec division Annual Conference at Val St-Côme

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