By Courtney Muller, Pembina Zone President (

In the late sixties, a few courageous folks recognized that the hills in Alberta’s Tawatinaw Valley, only a one-hour drive north of Edmonton, had something to offer. In 1967, with a Centennial Grant, they were able to open the Tawatinaw Valley Ski Hill. If you haven’t already seen this story, it is now recognized by the Canadian Ski Hall of Fame! This is a great honour and a testament to the work of all the volunteers who have made, and continue, to make this a wonderful ski hill.

The article is here:

Around the time this hill got its start the Canadian Ski Patrol was experiencing exponential growth. We all know the roots were in Ontario, but the principles had reached the west and the CSP Mountain Division was growing rapidly. Calgary Zone was already well established, as was Southern Alberta Zone. Edmonton Zone was only a few years old but well on its way. So, by the early 1970s, news of the CSP had reached a local Westlock, Alberta physician named Dr. Bob Little. Dr. Little recognized a need for first aid on the Tawatinaw Valley Ski Hill and with his influence, in 1973, the Pembina Valley Zone was created. This happened just in time for the 1973/74 season. The zone has had a few name changes, to Westlock Zone in 1975 and then back to Pembina Valley Zone in 1982 and over time became known simply as the Pembina Zone. More affectionately, we called ourselves the Tawatinaw Valley Ski Patrol and that is what many of the folks around here know us as.

We celebrated our 50th anniversary on Family Day 2024 (February 10) with old and new members. To commemorate the day, the zone put on an outdoor barbecue, cardboard sled races, and a big cake to share. Below are some photos of the fun!

A big thank you to all the volunteers that have come and gone, and to those who fill our roster today. Congratulations Pembina Zone on your 50th anniversary!

Pembina Zone Celebrates 50 Years

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