By Kerri Loudoun, Communications and Marketing portfolio leader (

This month, we are showcasing showcase a tool that may be crucial for helping patients with head injuries.

While anyone can suffer a head injury and be at risk of varying degrees of concussion, those of us who have active terrain parks where we patrol may find this tool helpful to add to our personal kits. There can be high numbers of patients with head injuries from crash landings when using features.

LED pen light

This pen light, found on, is a great small light, that works well for checking pupil reactivity. It’s compact, so this wouldn’t be helpful if searching in the dark off-piste, but boy does this little light pack a punch when looking at your patients’ pupils.

With its slim size, it fits neatly in an inside pocket of your coat, keeping warm. It takes two AAA batteries and includes a ruler on the side. It even has a pupil gage printed on the side. At the time of writing this article, it retailed for $10.59+taxes.

To purchase, visit here

There is a USB-rechargeable version as well, if you prefer not using alkaline batteries. Click here to see details about this version.

I’ve been using this pen light for two seasons in Ontario and haven’t had to replace the AAA batteries yet. I liked it so much; I gifted one to a fellow patroller.

If you have a neat piece of equipment or useful piece of kit, please send a description of the item, its use and a photo to We will feature it in an upcoming issue of 5/5.

Cool Tools – December 2023

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