By A.P. Crawford, Kawartha Zone Patroller (

In November a group of senior patrollers past and present from the CSP Kawartha Zone gathered to celebrate Charlie Turner’s 50 years of dedicated service to the CSP.

Charlie has contributed and continues to contribute to the CSP at all levels, from his local patrol to having been the national president and board chairman. He began his career in the Eastern Townships Zone in the CSP Quebec Division and was recognized at all levels of the organization including being awarded National Life Member No. 39 in 1998. When he and his wife relocated to the Greater Toronto Area, Charlie was still the national president and found himself introduced to Kawartha Zone by his friend on the board of directors, Stu Jarvis (LM No. 51) and it was here he made his new home.

Over the years since joining us, Charlie has provided leadership and support across all of the zone’s functions, especially in the areas of AFA training (he is an IT and oversees instructor development in the zone) and technology implementation, including as the zone’s webmaster. He is also active in mentoring younger patrollers up through the ranks to take on leadership roles. In recognition of his contributions to the zone, Charlie has now received every available Kawartha Zone award, including Kawartha Zone Life Membership No. 10.

In addition to the usual national bits and bobs, the zone was pleased to present Charlie with his newest zone special award recognition jacket to add to his collection, and a hand-stitched presentation piece designed and executed by a fellow patroller which has now taken up residence on the wall at his house.

We are looking forward to celebrating Charlie’s next milestone with the CSP and he’s been told that retirement is not an option!

Receiving his zone special award recognition jacket
Being presented with his presentation piece

(l-r in both photos) Charlie Turner and Kawartha Zone President Steve Reeves

(photos by A.P. Crawford)

Celebrating 50 years of service – Charlie Turner

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