By Kerri Loudoun, Communications and Marketing portfolio leader (

Understanding which website to use, when

It can be overwhelming for new members of the CSP and for returning members to know where to find what when it comes to resources related to training and education, registration, newsletters and so on. This article is intended to assist everyone in getting a better understanding of what things live where, in terms of the CSP digital entities.


Yeti is the new database that replaced the National Database System (NDS). This database houses all member record information – member’s name, address, training dates – and so on. We also send emails from the Yeti system (such as Patrol Bulletins and 5/5 monthly newsletters). All members can log into their Yeti profile and update their personal information as necessary, but they can also view their digital member ID badge (the new red version that shows your membership expiry date, your photo, and a QR code). Other members who have expanded administrative permissions can run summary reports for their zones or divisions related to membership expiry dates, requalification dates, area information and more.

Yeti does not house files the like the NDS did.

Moodle – our current e-learning platform

Moodle is where CSP members find their online learning modules and the annual written AFA exam and CPR exams. It houses a number of videos that assist with preparing for testing. 

This is the main hub for many things that will be useful to CSP members at all levels. Currently, it’s your location to find the following:

  • Pro deals.
  • National uniforms information.
  • Training resources for new and returning patrollers.
  • A link to get to the Yeti login page.
  • A listing of current volunteer opportunities available at the national level.
  • A link to get to the Moodle login page.
  • HR policies and related supporting documents.
  • AGM information.
  • Our current strategic plan.
  • Leadership breakdown and contact info.
  • Awards Recognition info and nomination portal link.
  • Insurance documents and forms.
  • Other support resources.

In the coming months the CSP National Management Committee will be working hard to reorganize the current member’s website to be more streamlined. This will help make the resources you need easier to find. Keep an eye on the 5/5 member newsletter for updates as we refocus where things live on the website.

Microsoft SharePoint/Teams

The CSP now uses Microsoft SharePoint and Teams for cloud services, project management and meetings. For key administrators and executives at various levels of the CSP, we have several teams set up in Microsoft 365 to hold sensitive items and resources specific to key groups like:

  • Division presidents and zone presidents.
  • Training and development individuals such as instructor trainers, training managers, instructors.
  • The CSP board of directors.
  • CSP national management committee members.
  • Key advisory committees.

Some resources and documents that were formerly living in the NDS have been or are in the process of being migrated to applicable locations in CSP SharePoint. Individuals that require access to these items are provided with login credentials by the CSP National Management Committee as necessary.

Division and zone websites

Over the past four years, the National Management Committee has worked hard to migrate all division websites over to the property. The audience for division websites is primarily non-CSP members – prospective patrollers, the public, prospective donors and sponsors, and government bodies. These nested sites (under the top-level domain) are meant to promote the CSP and help with improving brand awareness and encourage recruitment. The division websites may showcase things like awards and areas supported by the CSP. Divisions have autonomy with what they include on their sites but keep within a consistent format and style to match basic elements across all divisions sites.

Zone websites are still not fully migrated across the country to We do have a small number that are running independently, and we are working with those zones to complete the migration or encourage participation in a seamless single-session sign on environment. For many zones, their website serves as a registration platform, location to track volunteer hours, scheduling of shifts and more. But as the modernization efforts continue at the national level, we are working hard to consolidate all these features under the domain, so that members at the zone level do not have to go to a different website to complete their annual registration (including payments), tracking of their volunteer hours and more.

It’s important to note that while division and zone nested sites are hosted under the top-level domain, divisions and zones manage their own content. Zones and divisions that require communications assistance (such as creative design) are welcome to reach out to the CSP Communications and Marketing Portfolio for help at any time.

Looking to the future

The board of directors and the national management committee are committed to simplifying access to all tools and resources available to all levels of the membership. With guidance from the CSP IT Advisory Committee and portfolio leaders, we are working hard to implement features like single session sign on (SSO) which allows you to easily access the adjacent platforms to (ex. Yeti and Moodle). Throughout this transition, we will experience some growing pains, and we ask our members to be patient. While the intention is to transition seamlessly, there may be fluctuations in the stability of the login process. We are working continuously to mitigate these as they occur.

Microsoft 365 will remain a standalone access due to a smaller number of members who need access, and the security credentials required by Microsoft.

We are also continually reviewing best practices regarding digital properties for organizations with a membership our size, user-experience innovations and the many other facets of operating in a digital space that changes at warp speed.

Constructive feedback is always welcome

We strongly encourage members to speak with their zone president or patrol leaders with ideas or concerns they may have in terms of finding the tools and resources they need to perform their best as a patroller, on or off the snow! Chances are, we have the item you need, and you just need to be guided to its current location. Your zone president can bring these ideas up to division and the national management committee to review and determine how, if appropriate, changes can be implemented based on current project goals and initiatives.

Please contact Kerri Loudoun, Communications and Marketing Portfolio leader ( to discuss any pressing questions or ideas you may have.

Yeti or or Moodle. Which is it?!

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