By Jacques Blais, Translation portfolio leader (
The translation team is progressing.
You may remember an article in the September 5/5 about the rebirth of the translation portfolio. Changes have already taken place. Two new national translation coordinators have joined the team. Oops! My mistake, they were already part of the team! Louise Langlois, CSP Life Member No. 92, from the CSP Laurentian Zone and Jacques Bégin, Canadian Ski Patroller No. 900, from the CSP Québec Zone, have been very important contributors to meeting national translation needs over many years. What is fantastic is that they have accepted the extra role of translation coordinator. Louise will support the instructors certification program (ICP) team while Jacques will do the same with the advanced first aid (AFA) team.

There is room for more translation coordinators!
With the ICP and AFA teams well covered, we still need to support the on-snow (OS), communications and governance teams. At the very least, we are looking for a national translation coordinator for the OS team.
It is not that the other two teams, communications and governance, are not important, and should not have their own translation coordinators. It is rather because, in the interim, they can be handled by the portfolio leader.
Please note that it is not expected that a national translation coordinator translates all the documents produced by the team they are supporting. As national translation coordinator – on snow, as with any other national translation coordinators, your first role will be to participate in the activities of the OS committee within the training and development portfolio, and to coordinate their translation needs. Your second role will be to participate as a translator, but above all as a reviser, not only OS but also in the areas in which you have expertise, according to the overall needs of the CSP and your availability. Thirdly, you will help produce, maintain and implement translation and writing rules.
Please refer to the national translation coordinator job description here.
There is also room for more translators!
It may be that you do not have time to participate as a national translation coordinator, but you may still be willing to contribute to the CSP translation efforts.
It may be that you do not have a lot of time available, but you would still like to help.
Do not fret, we do need you.
We are putting together a pool of translators, whom, based on their availability, will accept to translate articles, module, sections of manuals, etc. in the five domains, AFA, OS, ICP, governance or communications.
Please refer to the translator job description here.
How to apply? Questions
You want to apply, please submit an introduction letter and a brief resume at
Also, do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or comments about these postings and about translation in general also at
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