By Bradley Redwood, Ontario Division President (

Change is in the wind for the Canadian Ski Patrol at all levels, including the CSP Ontario Division.

I’m going to thank three specific people for the fantastic work they have put in at the management level of the division. First, David Shepard, who has served as the vice-president of administration, has decided to take a sabbatical year. David has been a great asset to the division, as well as all the zones in Ontario by providing exceptional administrative and logistical support. He is currently working to finish the new CSP Ontario Division SharePoint site, and then taking a much need break to be with his family.

Next is Jennifer Delaney, the CSP Ontario Division’s vice-president of communications until she had to officially step down after her successful run in September for a position on the national board of directors. All of the CSP Ontario Division congratulates her on her new position and look forward to working with her.

Last, but certainly not least, is Ryan Mcleod, the CSP Ontario Division’s vice-president of finance. Ryan is looking forward to mentoring a potential new member as he works toward reducing time spent at the division level and to focus on his other passions.

While three changes at the management level would be enough for most people in any given year, that’s not the end of it. My inaugural three-year term as the CSP Ontario Division president will be finish in March 2024.

But wait, there’s more!

Tim Legere stepped down as the CSP Kawartha Zone president at the start of June, and we thank Tim for all his hard work over the years and wish him calm seas and fair winds at whatever life brings him. In Tim’s absence, Steve Reeves has stepped in as the interim CSP Kawartha Zone president, and been doing a great job.

We also have the following zones that will be going through their normal period of seeking a potential new zone president:

  • Algonquin Zone
  • Central Zone
  • Frontenac Zone

So, change is happening at the division level, and we are excited to bring on some new leaders and fresh ideas as the CSP continues to modernize all aspects of the organization.

Change is inevitable

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