By: A.P. Crawford, National Publication Editor and Production Manager (

When individuals volunteer with the Canadian Ski Patrol, they are also providing dedicated service within their respective communities. Recently we covered the stories of some CSP members who received recognition medals for their services. Other individuals are being recognized within their home communities for their dedication. Here are two more stories.

Barbara Courtin recognized by the City of Sudbury

Barbara Courtin recognized by the City of Sudbury

In April of this year, Barbara Courtin was recognized by the City of Sudbury for her exceptional volunteerism and community involvement and how her leadership and humanitarian service has enriched the quality of the community and its citizens. As can be seen in the awards pamphlet, Barbara is an outdoors person through and through.

In May 2022, Barbara was the recipient of the Ontario Division Bill Kennedy Memorial Life Membership Award No. 14 in recognition of her 40 years of dedicated service to Algonquin Zone, Ontario Division and her support of the national system.

Congratulations Barbara, on your well-deserved recognition by the city.


Tim Sellars, Whitehorse’s volunteer of the year

Also in April of this year, the City of Whitehorse, Yukon recognized Tim Sellars as its volunteer of the year. For most of his patrolling career, Tim has been the president of Yukon Zone, is an active patroller at Mt. Sima and helps out with other on-snow events. Of course, when the snow is gone, he and his fellow patrollers are active providing first aid services at many other events.

Tim Sellars (centre) with Theresa Landman and Amanda McCarthy (Photo from Yukon News)

Tim also volunteers with the Golden Horn Fire Department, Swim Yukon and Soccer Yukon, among other organizations. An article in the Yukon News can be found here.

Tim, your recognition is well deserved.

Patrollers recognized locally as volunteers of the year

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