By Wanda Ellsworth, Confederation Zone President (

The 2023 Canada Winter Games have come and gone and a great time was had by all. More than 2,100 volunteer hours were provided by 31 patrollers to support this large event, including four guest patrollers who joined us for the two weeks of the games. Their assistance and expertise was very much appreciated. We are proud that our patrol was able to cover the vast majority of the volunteer hours required and it is indeed a testament to the level of commitment and dedication to the CSP.

Nestled in the central region of Prince Edward Island, the Mark Arendz Ski Park at Brookvale was the primary host venue of most skiing and snowboarding events with some additional events held at Crabbe Mountain in New Brunswick. From February 18 to March 5, 2023 both the alpine and Nordic sites were bustling with events including biathlon, cross-country skiing (Nordic), snowboarding and alpine skiing, each with its own specific patrolling requirements.

In addition to the actual medical services provided, there were many additional collaborations forged within the industry including with officials and medical professionals, and the public exposure for the CSP was great. The patrollers were extremely professional, well-prepared and highly regarded over the course of the games.

The games organizers were extremely gracious and worked hard to make the entire event a success. They also left two new toboggans (two alpine and one Nordic) as legacy items for our use going forward.

The photos included with this article are representative of the games and the fun had by the team. This was yet another once-in-a-lifetime event.

(Photos provided by Wanda Ellsworth)

2023 Canada Winter Games Wrap Up

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