By Nancy Price-Hutley, National Recognition Committee Chair (

Many in the CSP have all been anxiously awaiting an awards submission application through Yeti and I’m happy to share that it is up and running. Appreciation is extended to Matthew Carr, Eric Torunski and Tom Carr for all their hard work on creating this application. We ask that you remain patient as we work through this first year using the application since it is still new and there may still be some minor bugs and glitches that pop up from time to time.

The national recognition submission deadline for this year is April 28. This gives zones and divisions plenty of time to work with the new application when submitting award nominations. This date also gives Matt time to troubleshoot any potential problems.

This year the national recognition committee has two new members: Wyn Smith from Ontario Division and Trever Gamble from Manitoba Division will be working with Linda Andrews, Jacques Blais, Michael Courty, Meaghan Kells and Miles Thompson. We have a great amount of experience in our committee members and are anxiously watching for award submissions to start evaluating.

The National Recognition Manual can be found here and you are encouraged to reference this document when considering submissions for patrollers.

Recognition keeps patrollers engaged, encourages others to join and supports retention of our members.

New recognition submission program – and more

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