By A.P. Crawford, National Periodical Editor and Publication Manager (

On January 7, 2022, Aislyn Ireton’s husband, Joshua Schortemeyer, was mildly unwell. It was not surprising since his young son had brought home a stomach flu bug.

It was a busy Friday evening, with both parents readying to go to work, when Joshua went to vomit in the bathroom. Aislyn heard the retching but then heard nothing else. She checked on him and found him unconscious, with his face submerged in the toilet bowl.

She pulled him out and, noting the water draining from his mouth and nose, she started to perform abdominal thrusts from behind to get the water out of his airway. After a few thrusts, he spewed water and coughed, and she could feel his heart racing through his back. She yelled his name in an attempt to rouse him.

Being a nurse, Aislyn knew there was a strong possibility that more could happen, and she prepared herself to resuscitate him if needed. It’s not something you like to tell yourself when it’s your husband’s life in the balance.

Josh was disoriented but told Aislyn to get him to the hospital. She called EMS and monitored his level of alertness and pulse. Within six minutes, EMS arrived. When he was hooked up to the ECG, Joshua was found to be in sinus tachycardia. He was clammy, pale and very weak. He lost consciousness again during transport to the hospital.

Since this incident, Joshua has recovered and received the appropriate follow-up care. Had it not been for Aislyn’s quick actions, the outcome would have been very different.

The CSP was proud to award Aislyn Ireton the John D. Harper Lifesaving Award for her quick actions in saving her husband Joshua’s life.

Aislyn Ireton and Algonquin Zone President Paul Boulard

(photo provided by Algonquin Zone)

John D. Harper Lifesaving Award – Aislyn Ireton (Algonquin Zone)

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