By Lori Natuik, Manitoba Division President (

Manitoba Division lays smack dab in the middle of Canada. One of the smaller divisions in the CSP, it is comprised of four zones: Red River Zone, Western Manitoba Zone, Northern Manitoba Zone, and Lake of the Woods Zone based in Kenora, Ontario. Many years ago a decision was made to include Lake of the Woods Zone in Manitoba Division due to its geographical proximity to Winnipeg. It just made sense as that part of Northwestern Ontario is a very long way from the rest of the Ontario Division zones.

We have an excellent group of hardworking patrollers who serve in various capacities at the division and zone level:

  • Red River Zone President Kent Ulrich
  • Western Manitoba Zone President Pete Whittington
  • Northern Manitoba Zone President Kathryn Windeler
  • Lake of the Woods Zone President Lynn Ronnebeck
  • Manitoba Division President Lori Natuik
  • Manitoba Division Training Manager Michael Bager
  • Manitoba Division Finance Rep Allan Robertson
  • Manitoba Division Recruitment and Retention Rep Nicole Hammersley
  • Manitoba Division HR Rep Kathryn Windeler

Each of the four zones is comprised of dedicated and hardy-patrollers. They have to be tough – it’s not uncommon for temperatures to dip regularly into the -25 C to -30 C range and most areas don’t close until it gets down to -35 C. But that does not stop our patrollers from being out on the hills doing what we do best – keeping folks safe and helping people enjoy our winter season.

Being a long way from the mountains and being that the prairies have small hills, the CSP has been able to maintain a steady patrol presence in the flatlands. Numbers go up and down in a cyclical fashion but the core remains. Volunteerism and helping people out seems to be an inherent part of our makeup here in Manitoba. Manitoba Division has a long history of involvement at the national level, from hosting successful conferences (remember Cheapskate ’98?) to a number of members working on committees or serving at the board level.

A passionate belief in the CSP, dedication, a love for helping people and a love of skiing/snowboarding is what makes the patrollers in Manitoba Division tick.

Manitoba Division – who we are and what we do!

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