By Kerri Loudoun, Communications and Marketing Portfolio Leader ( 

Video and still photography content is not going away. We spend more hours than we like to admit looking at great photos and videos online. The CSP has no shortage of social media accounts from national, division, zone, and even at the patrol level, but we have a disconnect regarding what media members have available to share, so we’d like your help to change that.

Where do you come in?

The communications and marketing portfolio is working hard to build a media library accessible to members. Since the portfolio team members themselves cannot do video and photo shoots in all provinces we patrol, we are looking to our talented patrollers to help us build this library.

If you capture images and videos at your resort of your fellow patrollers (in action, in the patrol hut, on the chair lift, etc.), we’d love for you to share these images with us so we can add them to this master media library.

Guidelines when capturing images

When creating videos and images for the CSP, following these tips may help to capture useful images or resources:

  • Try to make the ski patroller(s) the subject of the image/video; avoid having patients as the centre of the clip or image.
  • Take images and videos in landscape and portrait mode, enabling people to use images and video on different social media platforms.
  • Videos with audio (i.e., subjects speaking to the camera) are welcome, as are B-roll-type videos (shots where you capture actions but no person is speaking directly to the camera), allowing people to use files that can work with music.
  • When capturing pictures or videos, it’s always best to take more rather than less. 
  • When saving files, please include your full name and zone in the file name so that other members can reference where in Canada the video was captured.
  • If you include resort guests in the images with ski patroller(s), have them complete this media release form
  • Please always check with resort management before actively filming resort guests.

For some great tips on recording video like a professional media videographer, check out this article from Glenn Halbrooks. 

Where to send files

Please upload your files to this CSP Media from Members folder. Feel free to send them in throughout the winter or batch upload at the end of the year.

If you already have a library of videos and images for your patrol/zone/division you’d like to bulk share now, please contact Kerri Loudoun ( to arrange an appropriate method to share your file batch.

How do I access this media library?

Next summer (2023), the communications and marketing portfolio will provide information on how to access this new media library. We want to collect as many files as possible this season and then share the collection with everyone in time for recruitment season.

If anyone is currently creating communications for their patrol/zone/division and would like specific images or videos, please reach out to me ( and I can search what we have collected so far that could be useful.

Terms and conditions on use of assets

By submitting your images, you agree to release any rights to the files. You accept that any member of the CSP has the authority to use your image or video to promote the CSP, and photo credits may or may not be given.

Every effort must be taken to ensure the CSP is represented appropriately and respectfully when using files from this media library.

The communications and marketing portfolio reserves the right to delete any images or videos deemed inappropriate and that do not reflect CSP values and brand. 


If you have questions about this initiative or capturing videos and stills, please get in touch with Kerri Loudoun (

Love posting about ski patrol on Instagram or TikTok?

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