By A.P.Crawford, Periodical Editor and Production Manager (
This year the CSP recognized five new national life members. Below are brief synopses of each of their contributions to the CSP. Congratulations to each and every one of them. Such recognition is indeed very well deserved.
Dave Swindlehurst, CSP Life Member No. 82
Since Dave Swindlehurst joined the CSP in 1985, his enthusiasm, energy and dedication has never waned. He consistently shows strong leadership, is encouraging, helpful and a significant and knowledgeable mentor to first-year patrollers and incoming zone presidents. He participates in many division and zone activities, on and off snow. He has been and continues to be a consistent and reliable feature at division events.
Dave is the former Mountain Division president. During his term he was a significant leader in the restructuring of the national management committee to include the nine division presidents as a result of a vote at the national annual conference held at Big White a few years ago. Currently he acts as the HR coordinator for the northern half of the division’s zones.
At the zone level, Dave co-leads the annual AFA training and recertification in partnership with the Drayton Valley zone training manager, something he has done for at least the past 25 years; is an on-snow instructor and examiner, recruitment and retention officer, HR/MR officer, patrol leader, and has served as the zone president twice in the past 20 years. He is heavily involved in the zone’s activities off the snow as well and about the only reason he would not be present would be that he was out of the country! Dave also rosters at Marmot Basin in Edmonton Zone so contributes to that zone’s success as well.
In the words of Dave Harrison (Life Member No. 45), “Saying ‘no’ is not a word in Dave’s vocabulary. Dave can always be relied on to get a task completed or issue solved. He is the epitome of a patroller’s patroller. A better team player, I cannot imagine.”
It is with great pride that the CSP recognized Dave Swindlehurst for his huge and continuing contribution with CSP Life Membership No. 82 this year.
Marc Slabotsky, Life Member No. 83
Marc Slabotsky’s input into the development of CSP programs over the years has been exceptional. From the early years of training in Pacific South Division to his work on the national education portfolio, to his development of the Mike Wiegele (heli-ski) training program, to the development of the advanced protocols program, Marc’s contribution can be seen throughout the entire organization. Probably every patroller who has come through the CSP over the past 25 years (at least) has been touched in one way or another by Marc’s efforts.
Marc always promotes the CSP, its programs and people and has done so all of his patrolling life. He has said the he is not involved in the CSP for the recognition, and those who are, are in it for the wrong reason. He wants others to be recognized for their contributions, but does not look for it himself. Marc is a ‘doer’ and has turned down the opportunities to take the helm of various groups, instead, preferring to lead from behind. He never shies away from providing his opinion, and is willing to challenge the status quo with well thought out explanations and rationale for his positions.
Without Marc’s input, the CSP would not have the top quality first aid program we have today. He didn’t do it himself, but his fingerprints are on almost every aspect of it.
Marc is funny, friendly, knowledgeable, and absolutely devoted to CSP. The CSP was delighted to award Marc Slabotsky CSP Life Membership No. 83 this year.

Michael Bager, Life Member No. 84
Michael Bager has contributed at the zone, provincial and national level for more than 40 years. He has been an assistant patrol leader, continues to patrol weekly and during that time he has become an instructor, examiner, senior examiner and is now an instructor trainer, all the while serving on committees at the zone, provincial and national level. He is the epitome of a leader and has been nominated for many awards which he has turned down in order that others may be recognized for their work.
Over the years Michael has stepped up to serve as Manitoba Division president, zone training manager, Manitoba Division manager of training and development (a position he currently holds) and in the national training and development portfolio where he currently works with the practical examination committee.
He has worked tirelessly to advance the profile of the Canadian Ski Patrol in Manitoba as a leader in providing excellence in the field of first aid. Michael is one of three individuals that have made it their goal to keep the Canadian Ski Patrol alive and growing and vibrant in Manitoba. The two other individuals are George Kryschuk and Richard Kerluck (both life members) with whom he has worked closely over the years. It is with great pride that the CSP awarded Michael Bager CSP Life Membership No. 84 and have him join his Manitoba Division compatriots.
Yves Bernier, Life Member No. 85
Yves Bernier joined the CSP in 1979 and has held various positions at the zone and Quebec Division levels. Since 1985 has called Mont Gleason in Bois-Francs Zone home. He received CSP No. 721 in 1998. He hasn’t stopped since then.
While president of Bois-Francs Zone, Yves oversaw formation of a board for an enlarged zone, recruitment of the Mont Adstock Station to the CSP, and establishment of a Nordic ski patrol for a period of time.
In 1993 he moved to Quebec Division and has been primarily responsible for many of the division’s achievements which include initiation of a Quebec Division logo, establishment of a protocol for the annual division meeting, initiating the trophy for the Association des Stations de ski du Québec, and acting as facilitator of special meetings for different areas in difficulty. According to the needs of the area he will act as assistant instructor, simulator, first aid instructor, on-snow training officer, and examiner at provincial and national meetings.
Yves has advocated strongly for the CSP with the provincial government and ASSQ (the association of Quebec ski resorts), something very important in Quebec because it faces strong competition from other organizations accredited to train patrollers in that province.
In order to optimize public relations, Yves also organized training for zone presidents in the division on how to maintain good relations with the media. An experienced journalist whom he had recruited came to support him in this training. A former journalist himself, Yves puts his talents to work to support the patrol and continues to publicize the successes of the patrol to the media. This has greatly contributed to a positive perception of the patrol in the population.
Congratulations, Yves, on being recognized as CSP Life Member No. 85.

Nancy Price-Hutley, Life Member No. 86
Nancy has demonstrated all aspects of being a builder of the Canadian Ski Patrol. She has been a member of Muskoka Zone for almost 30 years and during this time she has helped to keep both Ontario Division and the zone stable and functioning efficiently.
She has been a proactive leader, initiating a Women with Edge clinic in Ontario with the focus and goal on improving female patroller skiing and boarding skills. Nancy recognized that women had to rely on their ski and ride abilities rather than muscle mass and saw an opportunity to support women within Ontario Division. This clinic was a big success and there was an increase in female patrollers taking on leadership roles in on snow training, some of whom continue to hold these roles today. She ran a similar program for men in the patrol within Ontario Division.
Every time Nancy has transitioned to a new role she took as much time as needed to ensure her successor was comfortable and ready to take on all aspects of the role. Her presence has left the CSP in a better position in many areas including training, human resources, awards, leadership and leadership training. Nancy has made meaningful contributions to enhance, grow or improve programs and practices across multiple dimensions of the CSP.
Nancy took on the role as the national recognition committee chair this season. She has been a member of this committee for a number of years and in that time always maintained a professional and unbiased approach to the recognition process. So respected is Nancy that her colleagues managed to do an end-run around their chair and she had no idea that she was being recognized as CSP Life Member No. 86 in 2022 until the day the award was presented. Congratulations Nancy!
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