By Eleanor Culver, Chair, and the members of the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee (

The equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) committee has been working hard this winter to complete items that fulfil our purpose and ensure we adequately represent our members and those we serve in our patrol areas.

The purpose of the EDI committee is to:

  • Support CSP leaders in understanding the current state of the membership, and opportunities, and challenges regarding equity, diversity, and inclusion.
  • Provide guidance to the national management committee (NMC) and directors on all things related to equity, diversity, and inclusion.
  • Review and provide input into proposed policies and actions with respect to equity, diversity, and inclusion.
  • Encourage and engage in frequent, candid communication and education to correct misperceptions and enhance understanding about equity, diversity, and inclusion.
  • Encourage more diversity and inclusivity within the Canadian snow-sport community in general and the CSP specifically.

To meet the committee’s purpose, we need to understand our members’ demographics better. But when it comes to EDI, we need to know more than just what region of the country you live, and if you patrol at a Nordic facility or an alpine resort.

We have developed a comprehensive self-identification survey we will be releasing soon. While this survey is optional to complete, the more members who submit this confidential survey the better we can understand our membership – ensuring we create tools and content (as well as policies and recommendations to the board and NMC) that are reflective of all of us.

Please keep an eye out for a patrol bulletin with the survey link in the coming weeks.

If you have any questions about the EDI committee’s work, please get in touch with committee chair Eleanor Culver (

Who are our members? Survey coming soon.

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