By Jean Rioux and Mark Brown, Co-Executive Directors ( (

The CSP national board of directors will be hosting a modernization symposium in the spring of 2023. This will be the culmination of discussions with zone presidents, the medical advisory committee, the pre-hospital care committee, our training and development team, and a review of the new advanced first aid CSA (Canadian Standards Association) standards adopted by the provinces.

What is this seminar expected to accomplish?

It is intended that we will set the course for the CSP for the next five to 10 years for training, based on the feedback from all stakeholders. We want to modernize our curriculum by aligning it closely with the CSA advanced first aid standards (CSA Z1210-17) and rejuvenate the manner in which we deliver training and re-qualification. We will be including members of our information technology advisory committee to present a plan in support of the recommendations and needs of the organization.

This will be a two-day moderated meeting, with breakout sessions to discuss the needs of the training and development portfolio, modernizing the instructional material and its delivery.

The zone presidents voted to delay re-writing our manual until 2027. This means that while necessary additions can be made in the interim, it provides us with the opportunity to review the current material for a 2027 production of a new manual and accompanying online learning material.

Our medical advisory committee has also made a few requests, including a review of the wound care section and consideration of creating a ”living manual” which facilitates a process to edit, manage, control, review, update, share and communicate each necessary revision of our material, accurately and efficiently.

The meeting will include the board of directors, the co-executive directors, the national training and development portfolio, members of the medical advisory committee, the pre-hospital care committee, the IT advisory committee, division presidents, division training managers, zone presidents, zone training managers and any member who may be interested in attending.

We are currently looking at venues and dates and will follow up with additional information and pricing as it becomes available.

Modernization Symposium 2023

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