By Maggi McLeod, Marketing and Communications Portfolio Lead (pro tem) (

Kerri Loudon is stepping back from her role as the communications and marketing portfolio lead for a period of time due to some personal circumstances that will require her focus for the immediate future. We wish her well and look forward to her return to this role within the organization.

In the interim, the co-executive directors have requested the assistance of three former members of the communications and marketing portfolio to help maintain the smooth operation of the team during her leave. Elizabeth Oldfield, Jennifer Delaney and Maggi McLeod have all agreed to assist. Maggi will be taking on the role of portfolio lead (pro tem); Elizabeth will be bringing her expertise as an editor, writer and organizer to the team; and Jennifer has agreed to be our tech savvy specialist in looking after the website and electronic communications distribution.

Maggi can be reached at should you have any questions, comments or concerns.

Changes in the marketing and communications portfolio

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