By Eleanor Culver, National Human Resources Lead (

As members of the Canadian Ski Patrol (CSP), we are privileged to volunteer in some of the most breathtaking parts of the country, the historical lands of Indigenous peoples. Land acknowledgement is an Indigenous protocol, part of Indigenous tradition and custom. By making a land acknowledgement, we recognize the ties the descendants of the First Peoples have to the land – its importance to their culture, ceremonies, and traditions.

Land acknowledgement is also one of many critical components of reconciliation. It demonstrates recognition of, and respect for, Indigenous peoples and their lands in the context of the past, present, and future. It is a sign of respect and recognition, and it is hard to go wrong with respect and recognition. 

In discussions with the equity, diversity, and inclusion committee members, we offer this suggested wording for those patrols who wish to acknowledge the land on which they patrol. Should you choose to recognize the territory on which you patrol, you are encouraged to do so with the following wording:

“We acknowledge (insert name) territory – the traditional and ancestral territory of the (insert name). We acknowledge the many First Nations, Métis, and Inuit who have lived on, and cared for, these lands for generations. We make this acknowledgement as an act of reconciliation and gratitude to those whose territory on which we volunteer.”

To determine on which lands you patrol, please click this link: Beyond just filling in the blanks of the land acknowledgement, we encourage you to learn more about the rich culture and history of the indigenous peoples in your particular patrol area.

We believe that small actions can make a big difference to ensure our members and the public view the CSP as equitable, diverse, and inclusive – in short, a place where new generations of patrollers will feel welcomed and valued.

Land acknowledgement and the Canadian Ski Patrol

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