By Nancy Price-Hutley, National Recognition Committee Chair (

The national recognition committee has two new members for this year. Linda Andrews and Jacques Blais join Wendy Herron, Dave DeWolfe, Michael Courty, Meaghan Kells and Miles Thompson. Welcome Linda and Jacques. 


Work continues toward finalizing a new platform for award submissions and we hope to have a process in place by the end of January. Once finalized we will communicate this to you so please be patient and stay tuned.

As you are aware from the last 5/5 article from the committee, we are trying to increase awareness of the awards program and are highlighting different awards each month to encourage patrollers to recognize one another for the great things they do. This month the Canadian Ski Patroller Award and the Excellence in Education Award are featured.

Canadian Ski Patroller (CSP) Award

The Canadian Ski Patroller (CSP) Award is given to patrollers who have demonstrated extraordinary leadership, dedication and made significant contributions in any aspect of patrolling from any level after receiving their National Appreciation Award (NAA).

To be eligible, a member must be in good standing and in receipt of their NAA a minimum of three years previously. Contributions from the time the NAA was awarded until the time of the CSP nomination will be considered as the primary qualifying activities along with leadership, dedication to the aims and objectives of the CSP, responsibility accepted and overall positive attitude. Recipients of this award should have been recognized at their zone and/or division level however where no awards exist at these levels an explanation should be provided.

Excellence in Education Award

The Excellence in Education Award may be given to an individual or group of individuals who, through their actions, have made a significant and positive impact on the quality of education as it pertains to first aid, on-snow or avalanche training within the Canadian Ski Patrol. This impact could be through the creation of specific lessons or materials for use educationally or through demonstrated excellence in the performance of the delivery or management of educational program(s). Any member of the Canadian Ski Patrol, in good standing, is eligible for this award. 

For more information on these awards, please go to the national recognition site on the home page of YETI and follow the link to the program guide.

National recognition committee update

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