By Jennifer Delaney, Ontario Division Director of Communications (

I am sure everyone has many fond memories of your ski patrol family and of all the fun, laughs and crazy things that can happen at the hill, in the patrol hut, at a pot luck barbecue lunch or at a training event. 

Ontario Division is hosting a photo contest to try to gather some images of that family feeling to use in our digital media. The division has put out the challenge to all the zones in Ontario to share some of those great moments with us. The photo contest began just before Christmas with three months of submissions and prizes. 

Three winners will be selected each month (Dec. 15 to Jan. 15, Jan. 16 to Feb. 15, Feb. 16 to Mar. 20), the timing being set up to match with resorts being open, and having snow across the province. Submissions can be images from the past years but do need to be in the contemporary red and white uniforms. If the images are from COVID times we ask that people are wearing appropriate PPE so that if they are shared on social media, they follow the guidelines. 

You can submit a photo only once, but can send us new photos all the time. We have received a number of fantastic photos both new and old for the first round and will be sending out the prizes to the winners after January 15 when the first round of winning photos was selected. You still have some time so start taking photos and share that CSP spirit.

The photo contest idea can be used anywhere to help build your image library, assist in morale-boosting in your patrols, as only a friendly competition can do. It can also bring a smile to your patrollers’ faces when they are looking at some of those CSP moments. Divisions now have access to great recruiting resources and can use their photos to help promote recruitment locally combined with the national recruitment package. Photos can also be used on social media to help promote your resort, what you do for your hill, at your community at events and help promote the Canadian Ski Patrol in general. Take some pictures of your members doing what they do and help that passion for our work bloom across the CSP. Don’t forget to say “CSP” as you snap those shots!

Say cheese … I mean ski patrol

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