A message from our outgoing Board Chairperson

By Renee Thivierge, Manager (renee.thivierge@skipatrol.ca) The National office will be closed from 12:00 pm Friday, December 24th until Tuesday, January 4th , 2022. Wishing everyone a safe and enjoyable season.
By Nancy Price-Hutley, National Recognition Committee Chair (nancy.price-hutley@skipatrol.ca) Recognizing people’s contributions within a volunteer organization goes a long way to keeping members engaged and committed. This is the first of a series of articles describing the various national recognition awards
By Ken Lukawy, National Avalanche Program Coordinator (ken.lukawy@skipatrol.ca) The new CSP On Patrol Manual has a much revised section on avalanche safety. Appendix C covers the minimum amount of avalanche related information required by a CSP patroller to perform their
By Dan Elliot, National Manager – On-Snow Training (dan.elliot@skipatrol.ca) There is an opening to be a part of the national on-snow team. We are looking to fill the position of national alpine on-snow coordinator. As the alpine on-snow coordinator, you
By Kerri Loudoun, Communications and Marketing Portfolio Leader (kerri.loudoun@skipatrol.ca) Have you ever seen a blind snowboarder on the hill? Maybe you’ve seen a sit ski load the chairlift. Adaptive alpine skiers and snowboarders are frequenting many of the CSP’s partner
By Cathy McKay, Saskatchewan Division President (cathy.mckay@skipatrol.ca) Our zones are well into recertification training. We are down in overall numbers but are very excited to be welcoming patrollers back in all zones. Some zones have new candidate courses running and
CSP Mountain Division kicks off an early, snowy season By Geoff Scotton, VP External Mountain Division geoffscotton@skipatrol.ca Multiple CSP Mountain Division patrols and zones have their 2021-2022 winter operational seasons well underway, after ski areas at Lake Louise and Mount
Manitoba Division gearing up By Lori Natuik, Manitoba Division President (lori.natuik@skipatrol.ca) All four zones in Manitoba Division are engaged in the annual certification training and we’re very pleased that there has been good numbers of returning patrollers for this season.
Ontario Division ready to go By Bradley Redwood, Ontario Division President (bradley.redwood@skipatrol.ca) Fall is in full swing in the east and Mother Nature is beginning to help resort snowmakers with the task at hand. Advanced First Aid training is almost
By A.P. Crawford, Periodical Editor and Production Manager (ap.crawford@skipatrol.ca) Alex MacDonald, Marilyn MacDonald and Luc Gagnon – North Border Zone In February of this year, Luc Gagnon and Maryse Belanger were visiting with friends Alex and Marilyn MacDonald and enjoyed